Moderation: Jochen Mueller
13:00 CET - Welcome Address
- Dr. rer. nat. Jasmin Podufall (HealthCapital/Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, Berlin, Germany)
- PD Dipl. Ing. Sophie van Linthout, PhD (BCRT, Berlin, Germany)
13:10 CET - Session 1
COVID-19 and heart diseases
13:10 Keynote:
What do we know about COVID-19?
Prof. Dr. Leif Erik Sander, Charité, Germany
13:35 Overview on virus-related heart diseases
Prof. Dr. Carsten Tschöpe, BCRT, Germany
14:05 CET - Session 2
Regenerative approaches in the treatment of virus-associated heart diseases
14:05 Treatment of COVID-19 patients with PLX cells under compassionate use programs in the U.S. and Israel
Dr. Racheli Ofir, Pluristem Ltd., Israel
14:20 Diagnostic tools for heart diseases
Dr. Harald Heidecke, Celltrend GmbH, Germany
14:35 T regulatory cells: a potential treatment for inflammatory cardiomyopathy/myocarditis
Prof. Dr. Petra Reinke, BCRT and BeCAT, Germany
14:50 Left ventricular unloading via an axial pump: An option to enhance endogenous heart repair?
Dr. Frank Spillmann, Charité, Germany
15:05 CET - Coffee break
15:20 CET - Panel Discussion
- Prof. Dr. Petra Reinke, BCRT and founding director BeCAT
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Tschöpe, BCRT
- Prof. Dr. Leif Erik Sander, Charité
- Dr. Racheli Ofir, Pluristem Ltd., Israel