RegMed Forum 2020 I ONLINE
Viruses and heart diseases:
An Update on Clinical Science and Regenerative Therapy Approaches in the COVID-19 era
Please note: We have transformed our hybrid event to a VIRTUAL EVENT due to the current figures and measures concerning the COVID-19 situation.
The Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT) and the Cluster Health Capital are jointly organising the sixth international RegMed Forum, which will be held on December 1st 2020 in Berlin, Germany. This year, the opportunity to actively participate online will be made available.
The novel corona virus still poses great challenges worldwide, and although our understanding of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is growing, many details of the disease and its association with heart disease are still unknown.
In this year’s RegMed forum, clinical scientists will give an update on COVID-19 and its relationship to heart diseases. This will be followed by scientists from academia and industry presenting and discussing novel diagnostics and regenerative treatment approaches, such as cell therapies and supportive medical devices.
The last part of the event will be dedicated to an open panel discussion, both between the scientists and with the audience.
What can you expect?
- Conference program including talks on the latest scientific findings and clinical experiences related to virus-associated heart diseases, with the main focus on COVID-19-related heart disease
- Industry presentations of technologies from national and international enterprises
The RegMed Forum is an open access conference, participation is free of charge.
About the event
The RegMed Forum provides the opportunity to hear and discuss science in the field of regenerative medicine - from basic research to clinical implementation and industrialization. In addition to a comprehensive scientific program there will be opportunities to discuss and network with industry and research groups in the regenerative medicine field.
About BIH Center for Regenerative Medicine (BCRT)
The research landscape of Berlin/Brandenburg has developed into one of the most important international clusters for regenerative medicine. A major contribution to this development has been the BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT) - an interdisciplinary clinical translational center operated by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH).
The primary focus of the BCRT is the development of novel methods to promote endogenous regeneration to address acute and chronic diseases of the immune, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. This includes using cells, biomaterials and biological factors or a combination thereof to provide long term and possibly even curative treatments. With respect to the development and implementation of innovative therapies and products from the BCRT, the first potential success story for a novel regenerative product is starting to emerge. Virus-specific T-cell products for long-term protection against serious infections are being evaluated in onsite clinical studies for treatment of patients with a weakened immune system. Following the concept of refined translation, i.e. iterative incorporation of (pre-) clinical research findings into product development, and the use of biomarkers, the BCRT is actively pushing further treatment concepts towards clinical evaluation. This also includes new cell-based therapies for heart disease and muscle injuries.
RESTORE is a pan-European initiative that aims to accelerate the availability of Advanced Therapies for the benefit of patients and society. It has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820292.
About the Cluster Health Capital
The German capital region is one of the world's leading locations for the healthcare industry, healthcare, and the life sciences. Leading global companies, renowned scientists, first-class hospitals, innovative start-ups, and specialists from all over the world work together in Berlin-Brandenburg each day to deliver the very best goods and services for the regional and global healthcare markets.
The cluster management team at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB) drives networking and the technology transfer in the region and supports international companies interested in relocating to the German capital region.
This project is funded by resources from the federal state of Berlin and by the european fund for regional development from the investment bank of Berlin.
Gefördert aus Mitteln des Landes Berlin und des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung durch die Investitionsbank Berlin.